Lightgallery js
Lightgallery js

lightgallery js

9.2 1.4 L4 lightgallery.js VS SweetAlert A beautiful replacement for JavaScripts 'alert'. Alternatively, view lightgallery.js alternatives based on common mentions on social networks and blogs. lightGallery(document.getElementById('lightgallery')) ĥ. lightgallery.js alternatives and similar libraries Based on the 'Modals and Popups' category. Initialize the lightGallery with default options. 'Peck Pocketed' by Kevin Herron | Disney Favorite"Ĥ. used in zoom plugin to see the actual size of the image when you doubleclick on the image.

lightgallery js

data-width: Actual size of the image in px.By default, current browser URL will be taken. Specify only if you want to provide separate share URL for the specific slide. data-twitter-share-url: Twitter share URL of the file which contain your sub id or class name of an object(div) which contain your sub Source attributes for the picture Custom slide name to use in the url when hash plugin is List of images and viewport’s max width separated by comma.Ex: img/1-375.jpg 375, img/1-480.jpg 480, img/1-757.jpg Poster image for your Description for Pinterest post.How to install Lightgallery Js with NPM or Yarn and Github. data-pinterest-share-url: Pinterest share URL. Lightgallery Js Live First CDN resources including JS or CSS files with their minified Set true is you want to open your url in an Facebook comments body Facebook share URL.Pass false if you want to hide the download button. data-download-url: Download url for your image/ Disqus page identifier.The required HTML structure for the gallery lightbox. Lightgallery.js is a full featured javascript lightbox gallery with no dependencies. Load the core JavaScript lightgallery.js and OPTIONAL plugin of your choice at the end of the document. Test your JavaScript, CSS, HTML or CoffeeScript online with JSFiddle code editor. User can use for multiple images or videos open with lightbox gallery. A lightweight, modular, JavaScript image and video lightbox gallery plugin. Load the core stylesheet lightgallery.css in the head section of the document. A Free jQuery Plugin with lightGallery is Responsive & Touch-Friendly jQuery Gallery Lightbox Plugin. Arrows, thumbnails, and keyboard navigation.Supports youtube & vimeo videos, not just images.LightGallery.js is a responsive, touch-enabled, dependency-free JavaScript lightbox gallery library that enables you to present various types of media (images, videos, etc) in a fullscreen, scalable, navigatable, shareable, downloadable, and CSS3 animated gallery popup. lightGallery.js is a responsive, touch-enabled, dependency-free JavaScript lightbox gallery library that enables you to present various types of media. So user never have to worry about it.The Vanilla JavaScript Version of the lightGallery jQuery plugin. Videos will be automatically paused when a user starts to navigate to another slide. You can specify the size of the thumbnails in the settings.

lightgallery js

Lightgallery allows you to load thumbnail images automatically from YouTube, Vimeo or VK. You can place poster image url in the data-poster attribute. Videos will be loaded when a user clicks on the poster images. A lightweight, modular, JavaScript image and video lightbox gallery plugin. Poster images improve performance, and maintain the flexibility of your gallery without effecting user experience. So user will be able to navigate to other slides by using mouse drag or swipe. Poster images will be loaded instead of videos. You can even provide poster image for each videos. Lightgallery will check the data-src attribute and if it is YouTube or vimeo video URL, it will create the video slide. The same way you display images in the gallery. To display YouTube, Vimeo or VK video, you can paste the video URL, or share URL, which is provided by YouTube / vimeo in the data-src attribute. Lightgallery supports YouTube, Vimeo, VK and all other types of HTML5 video formats.

Lightgallery js